Subject: Re: SMP and Xen
To: Steven M. Bellovin <>
From: Sarton O'Brien <>
List: port-xen
Date: 01/03/2007 09:25:43
On Wednesday 03 January 2007 02:52, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> I have a dual-processor machine I'm using for Xen. A few questions...
> First -- is it safe to use SMP with Xen? I've heard contradictory
> opinions on this. This is Xen3.0.3 on 4.0beta2.
Although this is Manuel's department, I run current and smp works a treat.
There are still some parts of acpi dmesg reports as not configured but all in
all it has been stable and robust.
Outstanding issues on my end are:
shutdown -hp does not actually shutdown but -r works fine :)
Consoling a domu can cause it to spin out of control. Can be very frustrating
when first implementing a domU. Best advice I can give is to enable sshd as
fast as humanly possible and save regularly! This doesn't happen when under
the install kernel thankfully.
> Second -- should my Dom0 see both CPUs? Currently, it does not.
Is this nr_cpus when issuing an 'xm info' ?
xentop should also tell you, as will xm dmesg.
Apparently under linux, a linux domu may see both cpus but not under
netbsd/xen. I haven't played with linux under smp so don't quote me :)
> Third -- is there any performance benefit to setting 'vcpus' to 2 (for
> a DomU that would benefit from that)? That is, will a DomU actually
> run on more than one CPU?
My understanding is that it won't run on more than one cpu (netbsd/xen). You
can force allocation to a particular cpu or allow it to dynamically allocate.
I've not needed the dedication of a CPU but I can see where this may come in
Hopefully someone else can fill in the gaps if there are any. Hope that helps.