Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: Netbsd XEN nothing I can boot in]
To: Sarton O'Brien <>
From: Ivan Vari <>
List: port-xen
Date: 09/19/2006 14:09:46
>> If I use noapic (for the xen.gz line of course) my dom0 won't boot due

I was gonna say acpi=off I don't understand why mounting my LVM root 
stops if I disabled acpi...

> In the end, if you implement all the kernel options specified and it effects 
> your dom0, you are better off running a NetBSD dom0 under xen3. That could 

No, can't do it. That was my first intention but the dom0 kernel stopped 
at the smartarray 5i controller driver (cciss) and hung. I couldn't 
solve that.

> Unless you plan on developing, Id say you are stuck with three options:
> * Run a linux xen3 domu

No pls...

> * Run a NetBSD dom0


> * Drop back to xen2

That is probably the desired choice.

> I am awfully surprised that the xen kernel options are required at all. The 
> assumption by this community up to this point has been that the problem was 
> with the NetBSD xen3 hypervisor and dom0, not the domu.

At least this experience may provide valuable input for future development.

> Sorry I can't be of more help.

That's ok, I appreciate your efforts.
