Subject: Re: Netbsd XEN nothing I can boot in
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Ivan Vari <>
List: port-xen
Date: 09/14/2006 15:27:44
Helpful users of ports-xen!

> Hum, just a though. Could you try reducing the amount of RAM below 2G ?
> mem=2047M to xen boot options should be enough.

Yes with this memory parameter I can start NetBSD install on my DL380. 
In fact the install starts with mem=3095M too but not above that. THANKS 
for everybody!

But I have another question since NetBSD kernels are sensitive about the 
memory settings. Losing that 1GB is crucial for me because the machine I 
am planning to split with NetBSD VMs has 2 heavily used services: 
squid+mailserver with mimedefang. The mailserver itself would need 2GB 
of ram and the rest could go for the squid VM, socks VM, VPN VM. Without 
that 1GB it's very tight.

Is it safe to ran this memory hungry sendmail+mimedefang inside of VM? I 
am just concerned about how stable that VM would be... Virtualization is 
not an option for every machine/service perhaps it's one of those?

