Subject: XEN3 on NetBSD 4.9.1 gets irresponsive.
To: None <>
From: Marcin Jessa <>
List: port-xen
Date: 08/12/2006 23:09:25
Howdy guys.

I noticed huge problems with system response time on 4.99.1.
I upgraded my DOM0 kernel to 4.99.1 still running 3.99.21 on DOMU.
Now, every time I ran something using my CPU, like compiling new kernel, 
the DOMU become very irresponsive. Things started take long time from
ping times rising to 100-200 ms between DOMU and DOM0 to time it took to 
boot my DOMU.
Things came back to normal when I didn't use my DOMO CPU.

When I run 4.99.1 on both XEN0 and XENU the XENU was irresponsive
no metter if CPU usage on the XEN0 was 0 or 100%.

One other guy on #NetBSD on freenode noticed the same problem.
In his case he was running 3.99.x on DOM0 and 4.9.1 on DOMU.
