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Problem Creating DomainU

I'm following the NetBSD/Xen HOWTO. Domain0 is running NetBSD CURRENT.

$ xm list
Name              Id  Mem(MB)  CPU  State  Time(s)  Console
Domain-0           0       64    0  r----      7.5

My config file is at the end of this E-mail.

I initialize the kernel's memory disk:
# mdsetimage /netbsd-INSTALL_XENU \

and then when I type:

# xm create -c green
Using config file "/etc/xen/green".

the computer locks up with no indication of what is occurring.

Does this look familiar to anyone?

Config file "green":

#  -*- mode: python; -*-
# Python defaults setup for 'xm create'.
# Edit this file to reflect the configuration of your system.

# Kernel image file. This kernel will be loaded in the new domain.
#kernel = "/netbsd-XENU"
kernel = "/netbsd-INSTALL_XENU"

# Memory allocation (in megabytes) for the new domain.
memory = 128

# A handy name for your new domain. This will appear in 'xm list',
# and you can use this as parameters for xm in place of the domain
# number. All domains must have different names.
name = "green"

# Which CPU to start domain on (only relevant for SMP hardware).  CPUs
# numbered starting from ``0''.
cpu = -1   # leave to Xen to pick

# Define network interfaces for the new domain.

# Number of network interfaces (must be at least 1). Default is 1.
nics = 1

# Define MAC and/or bridge for the network interfaces.
# The MAC address specified in ``mac'' is the one used for the interface
# in the new domain. The interface in domain0 will use this address XOR'd
# with 00:00:00:01:00:00 (i.e. aa:00:00:51:02:f0 in our example). Random
# MACs are assigned if not given.
# ``bridge'' is a required parameter, which will be passed to the
# vif-script called by xend(8) when a new domain is created to configure
# the new xvif interface in domain0.
# In this example, the xvif is added to bridge0, which should have been
# set up prior to the new domain being created -- either in the
# ``network'' script or using a /etc/ifconfig.bridge0 file.
vif = [ 'mac=aa:00:00:00:00:06, bridge=bridge0' ]

# Define the disk devices you want the domain to have access to, and
# what you want them accessible as.
# Each disk entry is of the form:
#       phy:DEV,VDEV,MODE
# where DEV is the device, VDEV is the device name the domain will see,
# and MODE is r for read-only, w for read-write.  You can also create
# file-backed domains using disk entries of the form:
#       file:PATH,VDEV,MODE
# where PATH is the path to the file used as the virtual disk, and VDEV
# and MODE have the same meaning as for ``phy'' devices.
# VDEV doesn't really matter for a NetBSD guest OS, but it does for Linux.
# Worse, the device has to exists in /dev/ of domain0, because xm will
# try to stat() it. This means that in order to load a Linux guest OS
# from a NetBSD domain0, you'll have to create /dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, ...
# on domain0, with the major/minor from Linux :(

#disk = [ 'phy:/dev/wd0g,wd0d,w', 'phy:/dev/ld0a,ld0d,w', 'phy:/dev/ld0f,ld1d,w', 'phy:/dev/ld0h,ld2d,w' ]
disk = [ 'phy:/dev/wd0g,wd0d,w' ]

# Set the kernel command line for the new domain.

# Set root device. This one does matter for NetBSD
root = "/dev/wd0d"
# extra parameters passed to the kernel
#extra = ""

# Set according to whether you want the domain  restarted when it exits.
# The default is False.
#autorestart = True

# end of nbsd config file ====================================================

John R. Shannon

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