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Re: x86 instructions reordering

Oh, did the mb() only generate lock on Linux?
Then you should use x86_lfence() everywhere so
you get the lock-prefixed instructions.

        -- Lennart

Manuel Bouyer wrote:
On Thu, Mar 24, 2005 at 05:14:49PM +0100, Lennart Augustsson wrote:

The x86 can do some reordering, but nothing should ever
move across an instruction with a lock prefix.  So with
enough mb() in your code you should be totally safe.

And is __insn_barrier() equivalent to x86_lfence() in NetBSD ?
The generated assembly doesn't change when I use one or the other.
Using mb() didn't change anything either.
There's no "lock" in the generated assembly file, or nothing looking different
from normal instructions.

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