Subject: bouyer-xen2 status update
To: None <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-xen
Date: 02/16/2005 15:21:16
here is an update of the status of the bouyer-xen2 branch.
I jyst commited a skeleton network backend driver (it handles control message
by always reply with error), and a work-in-progress vbd backend driver.
It will probably fail, but it stable enouth to boot single-user a linux or
NetSBD guest with root-on-vbd from a NetBSD domain0.

I've made kernel binaries available on
netbsd-XENU-INSTALL.gz has the 2.0 install ramdisk, which allows to boot
a standalone kernel, with enouth tools to poke at a vbd disk.
netbsd-XENU and netbsd-XEN0 are self-explainatory, I guess.

xentools20-package.tgz is a pkgsrc package for the xen 2.0 tools I'm using.
It still needs a lot of work, both from pkgsrc POW (there's still to much
hardcoded paths) and xen pow (I will send another message about this).
I've also made available lnxguest and nbgest, the xen config files I use
with 'xm create' from my NetBSD domain0.

With all this, peoples could start playing with this, and eventually work
on xentools20 package :)

Manuel Bouyer <>
     NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference