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Re: Issues with native build of -10 on VAX

On 2023-11-10 15:56, Paul Koning wrote:

On Nov 10, 2023, at 9:43 AM, Mouse <mouse%Rodents-Montreal.ORG@localhost> wrote:

The same gcc code also works when cross-compiled from amd64.  Thats
something that has always struck me as odd, or rather just broken,

Hasn't VAX been in that state for many years now (cross-builds work,
native builds explode)?  My memory is saying so, but it's been long
enough I could well be misremembering.

Native builds have been exploding for many years, yes. Cross build have more or less worked the whole time.

That's true, and it implies wrong-code issues.  But if cross-build
works for platform X but not Y, then there is (also) a portability
issue, perhaps a 32 vs. 64 bit issue.

Most of the exploding have been around toolchain not actually generating working binaries. They are working enough to have a working system, but the native gcc does crash out from time to time, as well as having issues with some of the more "odd" things. Since tooling moved over to be more C++ based, the issues grew. C++ have never been working properly native on VAX. Issues with the low level support is parts of it. But also things like the behavior around floating point.

So I'd say it's not been portability as such, at any time (unless you count the differences in FP a portability issue, which you certainly could). But dynamic libraries, PIC code, code generation by the compiler, linker and other tools... And libraries in general... It never have been properly sorted out with the newer C++ based code base on VAX. And so, native builds always fails. Can't remember anymore when I last managed to do a native build, but it's more than 10 years ago, I'm pretty sure.


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