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Re: vax binutils 2.39 gas problems

Hmm. Unless I'm getting this wrong, the error comes from the assembly phase. So could you compare the .s files with and without those extra spaces for the last line of the _asm() ?

But yeah, sounds like gas wants some whitespace after the last character to be happy. Newline or spaces, or at least something. (I'm sort of wondering if it somehow sucks in the next line, containing "# 0 "" 2" and that's where the complaints about the missing closing quote comes from.)

Also, do you get the same result if you just run gas on the .s files directly?


On 2023-01-27 16:02, Izumi Tsutsui wrote:
It looks vax builds fail in many sources that use __asm() statements
after switching vax to using new binutils 2.39.

Daily buildlog says:
dependall ===> lib/../external/gpl3/gcc/lib/libgcc/libgcov
/home/source/ab/HEAD/src/external/gpl3/gcc/dist/libgcc/libgcc2.c: Assembler messages:
/home/source/ab/HEAD/src/external/gpl3/gcc/dist/libgcc/libgcc2.c:553: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.'

In src/sys/arch/vax/boot/boot (to commit my local fix) I got:
#   compile  sa/loadfile.o
/s/cvs/src/obj.vax/tooldir.NetBSD-9.3-i386/bin/vax--netbsdelf-gcc -O2 \
-ffreestanding -fno-pic -fno-unwind-tables    -std=gnu99  -Wall \
-Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith \
-Wno-sign-compare  -Wsystem-headers   -Wno-traditional \
   -Wa,--fatal-warnings  -Werror  \
   -I/s/cvs/src/sys/arch/vax/boot/boot/../../../../lib/libsa \
--sysroot=/s/cvs/src/obj.vax/destdir.vax -DSUPPORT_BOOTPARAMS \
-DLIBSA_CREAD_NOCRC -I/s/cvs/src/sys/arch/vax/boot/boot/../../../../lib/libkern/../../../common/lib/libc/quad \
-I/s/cvs/src/sys/arch/vax/boot/boot/../../../../lib/libkern/../../../common/lib/libc/string \
-I/s/cvs/src/sys/arch/vax/boot/boot/../../../../lib/libkern/../../../common/lib/libc/arch/vax/string \
-I/s/cvs/src/sys/arch/vax/boot/boot/../../../../lib/libkern/../../../common/lib/libc/arch/vax/atomic \
-I/s/cvs/src/sys/arch/vax/boot/boot/../../../../lib/libkern/../../../common/lib/libc/hash/sha3 \
-I../../. -I/s/cvs/src/sys/arch/vax/boot/boot/../../../../ \
-I/s/cvs/src/sys/arch/vax/boot/boot/../../ \
-I/s/cvs/src/sys/arch/vax/boot/boot/../common -I/s/cvs/src/sys/arch/vax/boot/boot/../../include \
-I/s/cvs/src/sys/arch/vax/boot/boot/../../../../lib/libsa/../../../common/dist/zlib \
  -DCOMPAT_UFS  -D__INTERNAL_LIBSA_CREAD  -Wno-pointer-sign -c  \
   /s/cvs/src/sys/arch/vax/boot/boot/../../../../lib/libsa/loadfile.c \
-o loadfile.o
loadfile.s: Assembler messages:
loadfile.s:99: Warning: missing closing `"'
loadfile.s:99: Fatal error: Ignoring statement due to "Unknown operator"

*** Failed target:  loadfile.o

The asm file around line 99 in loadfile.S per -save_temps:
  87  .L8:
  88  	pushab .LC2
  89  	calls $1,(%r6)
  90  	movzbl $79,errno
  91  	movzbl $79,%r0
  92  	ret
  93  .L34:
  94  #APP
  95  # 47 "../.././machine/byte_swap.h" 1
  96  	rotl	$-8, %r0, %r2	
  97  insv	%r2, $16, $8, %r2	
  98  rotl	$8, %r0, %r1	
  99  movb	%r1, %r2
100  # 0 "" 2
101  #NO_APP
102  	cmpw %r2,$263
103  	jeql .L12
104  #APP
105  # 47 "../.././machine/byte_swap.h" 1
106  	rotl	$-8, %r0, %r2	
107  insv	%r2, $16, $8, %r2	
108  rotl	$8, %r0, %r1	
109  movb	%r1, %r2
110  # 0 "" 2
111  #NO_APP

So it's come from inline asm in byte_swap.h:

static __inline uint32_t __attribute__((__unused__))
__byte_swap_u32_variable(uint32_t x)
	uint32_t y;

	__asm volatile(
		"rotl $-8, %1, %0 \n"
		"insv %0, $16, $8, %0 \n"
		"rotl $8, %1, %%r1 \n"
		"movb %%r1, %0"
		: "=&r" (y)
		: "r" (x)
		: "r1", "cc");

	return (y);

If I changed the following line in the inline function
		"movb %%r1, %0"
		"movb %%r1, %0  "
gas no longer complained it, so it smells corrupted buffer.

I have checked several changes in binutils/dist/gas/config/tc-vax.c
but I cannot find an obvious one.

Any ideas?

Izumi Tsutsui

Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt%softjar.se@localhost             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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