Subject: Re: Another problem...
To: Michael L. Hitch <>
From: Johnny Billquist <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/14/2007 22:49:21
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Michael L. Hitch wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Apr 2007, Johnny Billquist wrote:
>> And to reply to myself. Tried a generic kernel, and didn't have the 
>> problem. The difference to my own kernel are the following three lines.
>> options         NFS_WSIZE=2048
>> options         NFS_RSIZE=2048
>> options         NFS_READDIRSIZE=2048
>> Anyone know of problems related to this?
>   I'm not aware of any problems.
>   One thing does come to mind - are you using a 4000/90, and if so, did 
> your kernel have the recent sys/dev/ic/sgec.c fix?  I always had 
> problems doing cvs updates until Matt fixed that, and the few small 
> updates I've run since then didn't timeout.  I'm not certain if that 
> could have caused your problems though.

Yes, I'm usually on the lbeeding edge of current when I play around.
So unless it's something that Matt haven't checked in I'm using it.


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                   ||  on a psychedelic trip
email:             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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