Subject: Re: Network problems on 4000/500A
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/01/2007 01:15:45
> I think it is a transmit problem so I've tried reducing the NFS write
> size to 2K and haven't had any lockups yet.  However, I'm now getting
> file corruption instead :(

2K is still more than one Ethernet packet.  Try 1K.

I saw peculiar NFS troubles to a VAX once, and while they appear
unrelated to your troubles (mine were on a MicroVAX-II and were lockups
when reading files of certain sizes, which I traced to an inability on
the VAX's part to receive minimum-size packets, which occurred in IP
traffic only as last fragments), reducing the rsize and wsize down
below the max Ethenet packet size strikes me as worth trying.  I've
also seen troubles which appear to be difficulty with back-to-back
packets, though they have been less well understood.

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