Subject: Re: CVS commit: src/sys/arch/vax/boot
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/08/2006 21:41:33
> >> The network bootloader entry point should be nisse(), not start().
> > Presumably "nisse" has some obvious meaning in a language other than
> > English?
> In Norwegian, it has a meaning which I cannot think of a precise
> English translation for.  ("Elf" and "pixie" are close but not really
> precise enough.  Or, it's possible - not unlikely, actually - that my
> weak understanding of its meaning is the actual problem.)  Since
> port-vax came from Sweden, and Swedish is very close to Norwegian, it
> seems possible that this is the origin of its use in the bootloader.
> However, all three uses I see use it as if it meant "start", so perhaps
> I'm totally off base here.
Hm, as always, this is my fault :-)

About the meaning of "nisse": It means Santa's little helpers (in both
Swedish and Norwegian) but is also a commonly used nickname for the
name Nils.  Its origin in the vax boot loader is probably more than
10 years ago; I assume it was a result after hours of trying to
get some VMB boot loading to work, or so.  I often use nisse as a
generic name of something (like foo or bar), and it's probably a
leftover since long time ago.

And no, I won't object if someone want to change it to something else :-)
(I think it was a .set or so back then).

-- Ragge