Subject: RE: Vaxstation RAM, pointers needed
To: None <>
From: Antonio Carlini <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/01/2004 19:48:59
> I finally bothered to count the pins ... 80 of them on MS44 modules (i
> counted 76 on regular parity SIMMs), sigh, so much for the neato plan.
> Apart from pin count i doubt there's any real difference so=20
> this is juts
> a really neat way to get people to pay $200+ a module instead=20
> of $20 for
> 4. I'm off searching for "compatibles" :-)

I've not specifically checked, but you may
find that the VAXstation memory is ECC and
not parity. It may be that ordinary ECC SIMMs
of the appropriate speed might be of some use.
(Pity they're not SDRAM DIMMs - I have ECC
versions of those).




Antonio Carlini
