Subject: VAX/VMS Time
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/01/2003 12:18:24

I was wondering if anyone could explain to me how a vax/vms system (3100
m38) keeps track of time internally.

I read on the internet that it uses a 64 bit number that counts in 100 nano
second intervals starting from the 'Julian Day'  (Nov 17 1858)
is this correct?  If so how accurate is it because surely there would be no
way that the clock is this accurate!! :)

I cant remember the terminology (someone jog my memory) but the vax counts
using the most signigicant bits first doesnt it?  (pc's use least
significant)  If so, what would the result be if copying this 64 bit int to
a 32 bit int? I guess it would just loose a lot of its accuracy.

Cheers for any info

Adam Pigg

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