Subject: sendmail...
To: VAX porting list <>
From: Johnny Billquist <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/26/2003 12:52:05
Do anyone run sendmail 8.12.8 or newer on a vax?
My version crashes occasionally, so I have been forced to switch over to
postfix. While that works, I'm not too happy with it. postfix is slow like
hell compared to sendmail.

I'm not sure what is wrong, but I suspect there is some problem in gcc,
since from time to time I can stumble upon other problems as well, with
programs that don't give me any problems on other systems.

I haven't really tried to locate things anymore than that, but if someone
else knows anything I'd be grateful. Otherwise I suspect I should have to
try finding some time myself to identify the problem.

Oh, and does anyone except me do native builds on the vax?
If so, have the "texinfo" problem been solved yet? I have a local patch
(which isn't suitable to include in NetBSD) to work around it, so I
haven't checked lately if the system is still unbuildable.
This problem does *not* show up on cross builds...

Well, me 8650 is up and running, and now I intend to try and port the
Digital MSCP-driver to NetBSD. Who knows. One day we might even be allowed
to use it, and CI and DSSI would be nice to have.

Oh, and Ragge, I have two requests.
Could you check in sys/arch/vax/vax/ka860.c?

Second. How about getting BURST from sys/dev/mscp/mscp_subr.c into the
config file instead, with a default of 4 if it isn't defined.
When I have both an UDA-50 and a TU81 on the same Unibus (along with
ethernet), a burst size of 4 is too much, and right now I have to go in
and modify the code. This really should be user configurable, I think.


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email:           ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol