Subject: OT: security models WAS: Re: simh and NetBSD
To: None <>
From: R. Alan Monroe <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/11/2003 21:03:22
> don't get me wrong, i like the unix model.  however, there's an appropriate
> balance between making things simple so as not to constrain the things that
> will be built with/on them, and making things complex so that there is much
> expressive power but many basic decisions unbendably premade for you.  unix
> is an example of the first.  windows/nt, vms, and mac/os are examples of the
> second.  perl, somehow, is an example of both.

And Novell Netware is right in the sweet spot? Just kidding, I don't
know much about it, but from what little I remember it was flexible yet
reasonably easy.
