Subject: Re: unknown soldier terminal in ttys..... what about a vt100 default
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/27/2003 18:53:46
> Anyone really using anything other than a VT100 compatible terminal
> device on VAXentoyz?

Me.  My VAX's console is connected to another machine's serial port,
and the terminal emulation is whatever happens to be running the window
in which I connect to it.  Indeed, there have been times when this is
not well-defined, when I have connected to that serial line from two
different windows at once, potentially (and probably at least once
actually) running different emulations.

(How can I connect to a single serial line from multiple windows?  My
serial-line consoles use a client/server design, wherein a single
server allows multiple clients to connect to it, merging their input
streams before sending to the line, and replicating all output.
Problems like which terminal type to set are left up to humans to

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