Subject: Re: from bad to worse....
To: NetBSD/vax Mailing List <>
From: Baby Peanut <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/15/2003 08:41:14
--- Chris Wareham <> wrote:
> Brian Chase wrote:
> > 
> > If there's anything worse that being bitten by a damaging and unpleasant
> > "gottcha", it's being bitten by one that's been known about and
> > understood for months.  And if there's anything worse than that, it
> > would probably be getting preached to that the licensing terms make no
> > warranties about the software not being evil.
> > 
> It was his incorrect assumption that a similar problem caused by
> commercial software would be grounds for litigation.

When you buy commercial software you see the EULA.

Going to an ftp site with a well-known and undocumented booby-trap is a totally
different thing.

My original message said that it's not the software that is the issue; it's the
action of leaving an undocumented booby trap in a location which appears safe
that consitutes the negligence.

> I assume it was
> correct to infer "commercial software" when the original poster referred
> to "PeeCee sodtware". However, I agree (stated such in my reply to the
> original poster) that the nvram corruption should have been flagged in
> the relevant install docs.
> Chris
> -- 
> (work)
> (home)

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