Subject: Re: Probably a dumb question from an X novice...
To: NetBSD Vax Port <>
From: Hugo Villeneuve <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/24/2002 19:11:43
On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 02:02:05PM -0400, Lord Isildur wrote:
> \troll mode{
> you could put netbsd on that i386 box too
> }
> more seriously, i dont think vnc makes anything that runs on a vax.. 
> unfortunately. There used to be an X server for win-doze called exceed 
> (or was it called exodus? one of them was for the mac, and one for 
> peecee, but i dont remember which) and there's also X-win32. the 

Hummingbird's Exceed for Windows PC is still being made. but it's
far from cheap.

[link may not work in Netscape 4.x]

When I used it 4 years ago it was a very impressive X server for
Windows. Nowadays, I couldn't tell if it's still worthwhile. 

Hugo Villeneuve <>