Subject: Re: -current TK50 tape images
To: Brian Hechinger <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/12/2001 10:12:17
> does anyone know where i can get a set of TK50 images for -current?  or would
> somebody be willing to whip me up a set?  i've been testing this TK50 i have
> hooked up to my sparc-LX and so far it seems to be completely functional.  so
> now i'm very tempted to get my VAX 4000 to boot NetBSD from tape (sure, i could
> netboot it, but i have this obsession with tape-booting machines)

I do too... it is simple, ugly, and can work very well, if the bits
are good.

I tried the 1.5.1B2 boot.fs, and all it did was go:



It would not even boot.  IFF there is something that is known to work,
point me there, too.  I just finished the 4000/200 box last night,
and will use it as a source builder.  The kernel only took a couple
hours to build, rather than the 24hrs on the MVII.  I'm impressed....
Sadly, the only good TK50 tape drive I have is on the MVII.  The one
in the 4K seriously ate tape (the motor hangs in some way).  It got
stripped and trashed.  I have two more in storage that I will dig
out and see if they work.  But, IFF I can find the right bits, I will
be more than happy to try something (or see if I can break something,
...more likely.....(:+\\.....).

1.4.1 tape boot does work, correctly, though....
