Subject: Re: Making use of the CI bus as IP data link ...
To: Geoff Roberts <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/28/2001 20:13:09
On May 29, Geoff Roberts wrote:
> There is FDDI stuff around, but not sure what speed it runs at.


> I've often wondered the same thing, only problem is that it is Big Vax
> to Big Vax or HSC only in
> the hardware area, though ISTR hearing there was now a CI interface for
> one of the desktop boxen (later not MV 3100 vintage)
> released about a year or so back.  But if you had a couple of CI
> equipped vaxen I don't see why it couldn't be used as a fast
> network link.    Antonio or the other DECsperts here may be able to tell
> you more.

  I've heard that there are even CI interfaces for PCI bus.  If NetBSD
were to have drivers for that, think of the possibilities!

               -Dave McGuire