Subject: Re: softdeps (Was: Installing on more than one harddisk)
To: John <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/28/2001 00:03:08
On Sun, 27 May 2001, John wrote:

> "No bugs" is a bit of a stretch. I use softdeps on the machines I use to
> build pkgsrc binaries, but I do not use them on any of my servers.
> Frankly, they're fine when you have one or two serial tasks running, but
> do a few things that would thrash a drive heavily and softdeps will dump.
> softdeps definitely needs to be made more stable.

	On what system/os rev, and how did you make it fall over?

	We've been running softdeps on our internal server (mixed IDE
	SCSI Dell box, nfs server, samba, netatalk, apache, tomcat and
	frequently ends up paging furiously while building from pkgsrc
	and running a good sized (400 million entries) analog run),
	since 1.4X occasionally updating through to its current 1.5.1_BETA
	I also run it on a couple of other boxes without problem.

	I fully believe there are problems left in softdep, I'm just
	curious to try to find out what other people are doing to tickle
	them, to make sure its PRed (and that I know what not to try :)

		David/absolute		-- No hype required --