Subject: Re: Hardware question : VAX 11/750 & SCSI?
To: Chuck McManis <>
From: Johnny Billquist <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/15/2001 01:58:13
On Wed, 14 Mar 2001, Chuck McManis wrote:

> Yes, if you have a UBA and a Unibus extender you can put a UNIBUS scsi card 
> in it.

The 11/750 always have a Unibus with a number of slots in there. You can
put additional Unibuses in the machine if you care to, but I can guarantee
that you always have a Unibus on a 11/750, and a number of slots.


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email:           ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol