Subject: RE: DECserver 300 questions
To: 'Michael Kukat' <>
From: Carlini, Antonio <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/13/2001 14:46:13
	>> Have you tried ^P? Isn't that supposed to be interperteted by the
VAX as a
	>> break?

	The early VAXen interpreted ^P in hardware.
	The later MicroVAXen mostly expected a <BREAK>.

	> server, but with no success. It really seems to be thought as a
	> _TERMINAL_ server, not as a _CONSOLE_ server, as BREAK from the
	> can be used as disconnect for telnet sessions :)

	If you get to the terminal server via LAT (i.e. you
	have the server offering a LAT service for
	the port which has the console attached) then
	you can do this (at least it worked for me!).

	Via telnet, maybe you can do this. Certainly the
	OpenVMS and Solaris telnets allow you to do
	"send brk". Whether this gets gobbled up by the
	terminal server or actually passed on I have no
	way of testing right now.
