Subject: Re: Help!
To: None <>
From: Jochen Kunz <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/07/2001 05:36:19
> 1.  Why are you so interested in VAX computers?
Why you are so interrested in women? ;-)

> 2.  What languages can be programmed on a VAX?  Is C++ one of them?
It is easyer to list the languages that don't exeist for the VAX than
to list the existing implementations.

> 3.  Do VAX computers use "dumb-terminals"?
Yes. If you have a VAXstation there is also a local framebuffer.

> 4.  If so, How many terminals can be hooked up to one VAX?
As much as you want. If you use terminalservers and / or a big VAX 
you can connect more than 100 to a VAX.

> 5.  Do the dumb terminals have floppy drives or tape drives, or any way of 
> backing up data?
Ahhh, the term dumb implies that there is no storage atached to the terminal.

> 6.  What type of thesis project might a comp-sci student have worked on in 
> 1994?
Any kind that can be done with the help of a computer.

> 7.  Could a VAX in 1994 be hooked up to the Internet?
Ahhh, the Internet was developed on VAXen! OK, the TCP/IP protocoll what
is the bais of the Internet was mainly developed on VAXen using BSD UNIX.
And back that time BSD UNIX was developed on VAXen. Therefore the close
relationship between VAXen, BSD UNIX and TCP/IP networking. 

> 8.  How much might a VAX cost?
Hmmm. Depends on the model. I guess from 10.000$ to 10.000.000$

> Why have they all but gone away?  
They are CISC. With todays semiconductor technology RISC CPUs are more
powerfull. Therefore created DEC the Alpha, the successor of the VAX.
DEC migrated his (software) products from VAX to Alpha.