Subject: Re: It lives!
To: Robert F Schaefer <>
From: Johnny Billquist <bqt@Update.UU.SE>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/14/2001 12:20:32
On Sat, 13 Jan 2001, Robert F Schaefer wrote:

> On Sat, 13 Jan 2001, Paul A Vixie wrote:
> > > > Does anyone know how to do the VMS equiv. of 'cd /D && ls -l | less' where
> > > > `D' is the literal mount point?  I hate to blow away a whole disk without
> > > > seeing what's on it first.
> > > 
> > > DIR xx:[000000] gives you the first two parts. 
> > 
> > almost.  it turns out "DIR ddan:[*...]" does it recursively, whereas
> > "DIR ddan:[000000]" only shows you the top level.
> [000000...] also recurses thru the tree.  I don't quite have my thumb on
> subdirs yet, but I think it's something like [] for
> /foo/bar.

You can also say just [FOO.BAR], the [000000] is only needed when you
really wants to see the root directory.

>  Subdirs show up in the directory list as `FOO.DIR' and `BAR.DIR'. 
> IIRC they had versions, too.  I wonder if they can be copied like a regular
> file?

I don't know what happens if you try to copy them. But you can rename
them, or create additional links to them.

> > > Oh, and xx: should be replaced by whatever device you want to look at.
> > 
> > yes.  and it should be a real device rather than a rooted logical name, else
> > the results are bizarre.
> VMS doesn't have a unified filespace, does it?  More along the lines of
> (Uhg, but it shows what I mean!) C: and D:, right?

Yes. All devices have separate file structures.

> My VAX mounted dka200 on `D', butI have to type dir dka200[000000] to get
> a directory.

Skip the "D" part, please. It's dka200: :-)

>  If I have to specify the device to get to a file, why bother
> with a mount point?  Is there something here that I'm missing?

Yes. You don't have mount points. You only have devices. The device is
dka200:, there is no mount point.

Device names in VMS are a three letter combination followed by a number.
The letters are actually divided into two parts. The first two letters
tell what type of device we're talking about. The third letter is a
numbering of the controllers, while the final number is a unit number. I
know that this can seem a bit strange for people used to PC hardware, but
controllers on larger machines usually don't have just one unit. Compare
with SCSI for an analogy.

So, dka200: means that you have a dk type device, controller 1, unit 200.

The way MS-DOS gives you letters for each device really sucks in
comparision. You never know what device have each letter, and those 
suckers can change if you add some other device as well.
Not acceptable at all.


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email:           ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol