Subject: KFQSA questions... again
To: None <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/13/2001 12:01:54
Hi all,

again, there are these questions for the mystic KFQSA controller. I configured
it according to the messages seen here, and this is my current config:

>>>set ho/ma/uq/se 0
UQSSP Controller (774420)


Node   CSR Address   Model
 0       772150       21
 1       760334       21
 2       760340       21
 5       760444       22
 7     ------ KFQSA ------

Ok, looks good. 0 and 1 are RF31, 2 is RF72, 5 is TF85. So this should really
work fine. (flipping switches back, power-cycling...)

now it's configured as primary MSCP controller (switches ON-ON-OFF-OFF)

Ok, getting sure with "configure", typing in everything as it is plugged into
the QBus:

Enter device configuration, HELP, or EXIT
Device,Number? dsv11
Device,Number? kzqsa
Device,Number? tk70
Device,Number? kfqsa-disk,3
Device,Number? kfqsa-tape
Device,Number? exit

Address/Vector Assignments
-772150/154 KFQSA-DISK
-760334/300 KFQSA-DISK
-760340/304 KFQSA-DISK
-774500/260 TK70
-760444/310 KFQSA-TAPE
-760740/314 DSV11
-761400/320 KZQSA

Show QBUS shows up:

-200001A0 (760640) = 0002 DSV11
(don't know how to relocate this, but it doesn't overlap... so i keep it there)
-200002C0 (761300) = 0000 KZQSA
(also no overlap, but no clue how to reconfigure it)
-20001468 (772150) = 0000 RQDX3/KDA50/RRD50/RQC25/KFQSA-DISK
-20001940 (774500) = 0000 TQK50/TQK70/TU81E/RV20/KFQSA-TAPE
ok, my TQK70

where is the rest? let's go a bit more into this:

>>>set ho/du/uq 20001468
Starting DUP server...

UQSSP Controller (772150)
blahblah... works

>>>set ho/du/uq 20001940
Starting DUP server...

UQSSP Controller (774500)
doesn't like it... but finds it

>>>set ho/du/uq 200000dc
Starting DUP server...

Stopping DUP server... success so.

SHOW DEV doesn't show it, NetBSD doesn't find it (i configured it), nothing
seems to be there.
Does anybody have a clue how to get more than one device running on KFQSA?

Show DEV correctly shows:

>>>show dev
DSSI Bus 0 Node 0 (DISK0)
-DIA0 (RF31)

DSSI Bus 0 Node 1 (DISK1)
-DIA1 (RF31)

DSSI Bus 0 Node 2 (DISK2)
-DIA2 (RF72)

DSSI Bus 0 Node 6 (*)

DSSI Bus 0 Node 7 (KF62XQ)

DSSI Bus 1 Node 6 (*)

SCSI Adapter 0 (761300), SCSI ID 7

UQSSP Disk Controller 0 (772150)
-DUA0 (RF31)

UQSSP Tape Controller 0 (774500)
-MUA0 (TK70)

Ethernet Adapter
-EZA0 (08-00-2B-3E-9C-70)

So, all devices on DSSI bus 0 (i connected KFQSA and the internal SHAC-driven
bus on my 4000/400) are present, no overlapping IDs, everything should work.
But only the first configured drive on KFQSA shows as DUA0.

I hope someone has a hint on this, i would like to complete all written stuff
in a kind of KFQSA-howto to have some document handy for any future questions
so (and i want my VAX 4000/400 have _LOTS_ of disks and tapes :)


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