Subject: Re: kernel version fun
To: Chuck McManis <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/06/2000 10:11:01
On Tue, Sep 05, 2000 at 04:19:54PM -0700, Chuck McManis wrote:
> Ok, so the "-current" kernels are now 1.5<letter>, and the last 1.5 kernel 
> I build tagged itself as 1.5_ALPHA_2, if I built a kernel with the 
> pmap_enter fix, what would its tag be? :-) I did a cvs update and build the 
> -current kernel and it paniced right after the wsdisplay setup. This is not 
> uncommon -current behaviour :-) now I'm trying to sync up with the latest 
> 1.5 kernel and building that but CVS has been playing games with me (no 
> such tag as netbsd-1-5 ?) As I sort through that I'd be interested to know 
> which file/version I should have that will work.

Well, I'm only an occasional observer to the VAX business, but...

- the fix will always go into -current first (that is, some 1.5${LETTER})
- the fix should then be pulled up to the release branch(es) where it applies,
  after more testing.

I can't check right now what the revision tree of sys/arch/vax/vax/pmap.c is,
because the is being maintained right now. Do
a cd /usr/src/sys/arch/vax/vax/; cvs log pmap.c | less to check yourself 
(assuming previous cvs or anoncvs setup).


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