Subject: Re: Block size on tape WAS :Re: TK50
To: Carl Lowenstein <>
From: Matt Thomas <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/12/2000 09:10:18
At 08:05 AM 6/12/2000 -0700, Carl Lowenstein wrote:
> > From Thu Jun  8 18:37 PDT 2000
> > Unfortunatly, the TK50Z won't accept 512K as a block size (for reads
> > or writes). IIRC 32K is the biggest....
> >
> > clint
>Interesting.  My recollection of early Ultrix 1.1 distribution tapes
>(TK50) was that they had 1MB blocks for the main body of information.
>I remember having to rewrite my tape-mapping program to accomodate
>this.  But of course this was an internal TK50 drive on a VaxStation
>II, not an external SCSI drive.

Your recollection is incorrect.  The kernel was explicitly block as
512 bytes per record.  Since the tapes where ANSI, file marks were
used to separate the files.
Matt Thomas               Internet:
3am Software Foundry      WWW URL:
Cupertino, CA             Disclaimer: I avow all knowledge of this message