Subject: Re: interesting 4000VLC + scsi experience
To: Chuck McManis <>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/23/2000 20:08:59
On Sun, 23 Apr 2000, Chuck McManis wrote:

> Given the recent comment about SCSI working on the VLC (and cache!) I 
> thought I would boot it up to play with it. I had built -current from 
> around 4/1/00 (1.4X) so that is what I netbooted. The startup dialog is 
> shown in appendix 1 below. It has an RZ24 (250MB) installed which is not 
> _great_ for NetBSD but certainly servicable. So I tried labelling it and 
> when I went to write the label I got:
> partition> W
> Label disk [n]? y
> sd0(asc0:3:0): asc0: timed out [ecb 0x847c08d8 (flags 0x3, dleft 200, stat 
> 0)],

  This problem was not fixed until about April 11.

> Which looks a lot like something is screwed. Not sure what though. So I'm 
> re-syncing with the build tree and I'll build a new kernel and try it on 
> this box. While that is going on, does anyone (Matt in particular :-) have 
> any ideas if I have the current SCSI support and if the cache is actually on?

  Sources from April 1 won't include the latest SCSI fixes, or the VLC
cache fix.  -current sources as of today will have all these, including
boot fixes (countdown timer is supposed to work, and the boot will work
with the VS4000 SCSI).

  A full build of the GENERIC kernel on my 4000/VLC only takes about 3
hours now (I think - it's been a while since I've done it).

Michael L. Hitch
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University	Bozeman, MT	USA