Subject: shmsegs undefined at kernel ld(1) time
To: None <>
From: NetBSD Mailing list <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/11/2000 00:50:36
I've been experiencing this with daily cvs kernel build attempts
for I think almost two weeks now.  I've updated includes each time as

ld -N -Ttext 80000000 -e start -S -o netbsd ${SYSTEM_OBJ} vers.o
kern_allocsys.o: Undefined symbol `_shmsegs' referenced from text segment
sysv_shm.o: Undefined symbol `_shmsegs' referenced from text segment
sysv_shm.o: Undefined symbol `_shmsegs' referenced from text segment
sysv_shm.o: Undefined symbol `_shmsegs' referenced from text segment
sysv_shm.o: Undefined symbol `_shmsegs' referenced from text segment
sysv_shm.o: Undefined symbol `_shmsegs' referenced from text segment
sysv_shm.o: Undefined symbol `_shmsegs' referenced from text segment
sysv_shm.o: Undefined symbol `_shmsegs' referenced from text segment
sysv_shm.o: Undefined symbol `_shmsegs' referenced from text segment
*** Error code 1

Could someone please check your kernel compilation success with the
latest cvs of the current branch?   My config file follows below.

Scott G. Akmentins-Taylor     InterNet:
MRY Systems	
    (Skots Gregorijs Akmentins-Teilors -- just call me "Skots")
		----- Labak miris neka sarkans -----

# PUTZVAX VAX configuration file;

include         "arch/vax/conf/std.vax"

# Here are all different supported CPU types listed.
# Here are all different supported CPU types listed.
options         "VAX410"        # VS 2000, 3100

# Max users on system; this is just a hint
maxusers        16

options         SCSIVERBOSE             # Verbose SCSI errors

# Pull in config fragments for kernel crypto.  This is required for
# options IPSEC etc. to work. If you want to run with IPSEC, uncomment
# one of these, based on whether you use crypto-us or crypto-intl, and
# adjust the prefixes as necessary.

#prefix ../crypto-us/sys
#cinclude "conf/files.crypto-us"

#prefix ../crypto-intl/sys
#cinclude "conf/files.crypto-intl"

# Network support
options         INET
options         INET6           # IPV6

# All supported filesystem types
file-system     FFS
file-system     NFS
file-system     PROCFS
file-system     CD9660

options         NFSSERVER

# WS console uses VT100 terminal emulation
options         WSEMUL_VT100

# System V shared memory & semaphores support.
options         SYSVMSG
options         SYSVSEM
options         SYSVSHM

options         LKM

# Kernel(s) to compile
config          netbsd root on ? type ?

mainbus0        at root

# All buses; from the beginning attached to mainbus.
vsbus0          at mainbus0             # All VAXstations

# Vsbus, the virtual VAXstation bus, and possible devices.
le0             at vsbus0 csr 0x200e0000 # LANCE ethernet
dz0             at vsbus0 csr 0x200a0000 # DC-367 DZ-11 lookalike ctlr
dz0             at vsbus0 csr 0x25000000 # VS4000/90 serial line
ncr0            at vsbus0 csr 0x200c0080 # VS2000/3100 SCSI-ctlr
ncr1            at vsbus0 csr 0x200c0180 # VS2000/3100 SCSI-ctlr
smg0            at vsbus0 csr 0x200f0000 # Small monochrome display ctlr.

# SCSI devices
scsibus*        at ncr?

sd*             at scsibus? target? lun?
st*             at scsibus? target? lun?
cd*             at scsibus? target? lun?
ch*             at scsibus? target? lun?
ss*             at scsibus? target? lun?
uk*             at scsibus? target? lun?

# VAXstation graphics support
wsdisplay0      at smg0
lkc0            at dz0

pseudo-device   loop    1
pseudo-device   pty     48
pseudo-device   bpfilter 8              # Not supported by de yet.
pseudo-device   tun     2
pseudo-device   gif     4               # IPv[46] over IPv[46] tunnel (RFC1933)
pseudo-device   vnd     4