Subject: Re: could someone look at PR 7838?
To: Chuck Silvers <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/10/2000 12:54:00
> hi vaxers,
> could someone who knows vax assembly take a stab at fixing PR 7838?
> it was originally an arm32 PR but most platforms had some problems.
> the others are all fixed, only vax has any issues remaining.
> it'd be cool to have completely correct copy*str() functions
> on all platforms for 1.5...
I have looked at this quite a bit, and I realized that there is other
problems also with the current implementation of the copy* functions
that needs to be fixed before 1.5. (I fixed one bug yesterday). The
plan is to have all copy* functions fixed before 1.5.

-- Ragge