Subject: Re: Ethernet transceiver heartbeat (was Re: VAXstation 2000 netboot)
To: Eric Smith <>
From: J. Buck Caldwell <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/01/2000 16:16:42
Eric Smith wrote:

> So I tried flipping it.  This had no obvious effect on the VAX; NetBSD
> continued to work just fine, but it also continued to write those darn
> "qe0: ring overrun, resync'd by skipping" messages to the console.
> There was a message in the archives a few years ago about this problem,
> but no resolution.  Do other people using DELQAs not experience this?

I've always had that problem. The only thing that makes it go away is
commenting out the line in the source code and compiling a custom kernel :).

 -J. Buck Caldwell