Subject: Re: Minimum MicroVAX 3100/20 kernel config?
To: None <>
From: Bernhard H. Buckel <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/07/1999 22:29:13
Dear all!

>>>>> "Anders" == Anders Magnusson <> writes:

    >>  I can understand this for the KA41 and KA42 based systems, but
    >> what about the VAXstation 2000?  Is it really similar to the
    >> VAXstation 3100 from a programmatic standpoint?
    Anders> Yep, except for that it lacks cache, and the DMA area is
    Anders> smaller.

Speaking of DMA and the VS2000: Any chance for DMA support in the near
future? I turned green (because of envy) after I saw what the
SCSIDMA-kernel can do on a friend's 3100...

All the best,


"You, sir, are drunk."
"Yes. But you, madam, are ugly, and I shall be sober in the morning."
	--Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)