Subject: Re: TK50 and blocksize setting
To: Anders Magnusson <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/10/1999 23:32:44
Hi !

> > I just saw in the kernel sources, there is no possibility to set the blocksize
> > for TMSCP tape drives. Does somebody know MSCP commands to set and read the
> > blocksize ? I just want to put the ioctl handling for this into the sources,
> > waht to try something out.
> > 
> Eh? Blocksize is determined by the size you write to the tape (from 
> userspace, for example dd of=/dev/rmt8 bs=10240). Or did I misunderstand
> what you meant?

This is logical blocksize i think... doesn't work. I used cat for now to put
the 163 single files onto the tape. (Wanna make a backup of my MV II diag tape)
When booting the tape i always get ?FILESTRUCT, so i think, there is a physical
blocksize, which should be set. This funktion is missing. I talk of the ioctl
things happening when i say

mt -f /dev/rmt0 blocksize 512

or use /dev/mt0 (the block driver)

SCSI drives seem to have a physical blocksize, i don't know enough about the
TK50, but maybe the tape i want to copy is formatted with such a blocksize.

so long... Michael