Subject: Re: Floppy boot image testers wanted!
From: Roger Ivie <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/20/1999 09:24:55
>>   This graphics subsystem consisted of the complete
>>   3D graphics pipeline and additional hardware support for such
>>   features as hardware anti-aliasing of vectors and depth queuing.
>If these things are large and grey and look like they glom on to the side
>of a VAX then I've got 3 of 'em.

Nope. The graphics hardware for the VAXstation 8000 consists of three or
four large cards that slide into a special backplane that bolts into the
VAXstation 8000 enclosure. If you got one without a VAXstation 8000, it
would look like a card cage with some cards in it.

E&S also had a knob box for the thing which was large and grey for certain
smallish values of large. Roughly the size of your average PC perhaps. 
It was hooked up to the VAXstation 8000 via the serial ports.

E&S did make a large grey standalone vector graphics machine alled (IIRC)
the P300. I may or may not have a boot floppy for the thing. I don't recall
how you got data to the thing; I don't recall it having anything other than
a floppy and a serial port.

Roger Ivie