Subject: Download-Problems are away
To: Gunnar Helliesen <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/24/1999 07:38:22
Hi !

> Yup, worked fine. Could you do the same for boot.mop?

So, a little change on my website: The files (kernel/booter) are no longer in
.gz-format because my provider seems to have a little bit misconfigured
mime-types (i informed them). So the files are now in .zip-format, this goes
out as application/x-zip or so, and works, as tested.

I'll try to get the provider to just display the normal listing of the
directory and not the sitexplorer.cgi, so maybe we even get filesizes and dates

Ah, yes, the booter is also in zip-format (did it yesterday after my tests and
writing the mail for the provider).

so long... Michael