Subject: Re: sigh, this sux d00dz
To: Chuck McManis <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/23/1999 22:43:15
Hi !

> When I try to gunzip your kernel I get "invalid compressed data - format
> violated"
> I don't know if it was the download (my browser initially tried to render
> the file as test, could you update your mime types?) or what.

*#!"§ !!! That's enough ! I'll write a mail to my provider that they get
their mime-types updated. The problem is, that i can't do anything
against those problems, when they don't get it right. The HTML generated
by this stupid script is ok. I'll say them to make all ".gz"-files
"application/octet-stream", as configured in my private apache. I don't
know why so many people have trouble with it, i tested with lynx and
Netscape/Linux now, everything works beautiful.
I just looked at the logs and saw some Netscape 3 Gold and MSIE 3 and 4
Versions. Maybe those get problems with the files. Another try before i
must put them uncompressed onto the site: there is a now,
could someone with problems with the .gz-files please download it and
inform me as fast as possible if this works ?
(ok, i hate WinDoze, but it's compressed with Linux ZIP :-)

cu.. Michael