Subject: Re: Vax4000-300 first netboot test.
To: Christophe Latt <>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/13/1999 08:34:42
On Sat, 13 Mar 1999, Christophe Latt wrote:

> I have test to netboot a Vax4000 Model 300 with DSSI bus and it seams that the big
> Problem with NetBSD is the serial-port allocation.
> After the message startx 0x8cc the Vax print a error message :
>             ?06 HLT INST
>               PC = 00000003
> and go in Console mode.
> I think that error code 06 is for console not found but I have only one serial-port on this
> machine, or is this an other bug???
> This error cames with differents kernel versions (1.3.2 - snapshoot).

There's no support in NetBSD/vax yet for the VAX 4000 series. 

The closest thing would probably be the support for the VAXstation 4000/60
and the barely week old support for the VAXstation 4000/VLC.  The greatest
resemblance here being the number "4000", but the VAX 4000 is quite a bit
different than any of the VAXstation 4000s.

Brian "JARAI" Chase | | VAXZilla LIVES!!!