Subject: Dilog DQ686 ESDI controller support?
To: None <>
From: Joop Carels <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/08/1998 17:36:02
Do we have support for this beast? If so, are there any special requirements
for it? Also, I would like some hardware-info about jumpers/dipswitches and
cable connections.

My uVAX-II has 2 x 380MB Maxtor 4380XT ESDI disks, but I'm getting rather
unnerving errors when I try to label or write them.

The controller is seen as my mscp2 bus (0 is tape, 1 is RQDX), and it
detects the one connected disk as ra3. Only, when I try to label/newfs the
disk I get:

ra3: drive 1 hard error datagram: unit 1: level 0 retry 0, lbn 0: data error
(uncorrectable ecc) (code 8, subcode 7)

and it goes on to a 'drive detected error' and some 'raioerror' messages.

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Treasurer and BOFH of IGV InterLink; Supreme Commander of FCG.

(A)bort. (R)etry. (P)retend this never happened.