Subject: RE: okey, its time to get some more terminals.
To: 'Ronny Svedman' <ronny@Update.UU.SE>
From: Gunnar Helliesen <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/17/1998 10:17:26
Ronny Svedman wrote:
> Is it not possible to avoid building a kernel, by simply 
> setting the card
> switches to whatever is teh kernels idea of where it's at ?

Well, that depends on what other hardware you have installed. The point
is to avoid conflicts on the bus.

Some examples. Let's say you have exactly one RQDX3, one TQK50, one
DELQA and one DHV11:

VMS$ mc sysgen
DEVICE> tu81
DEVICE> dhv11
DEVICE>  Exit 
Device: UDA    Name: PUA  CSR: 772150   Vector: 154   Support: yes 
Device: TU81   Name: PTA  CSR: 774500   Vector: 260   Support: yes 
Device: QNA    Name: XQA  CSR: 774440   Vector: 120   Support: yes 
Device: DHV11  Name: TXA  CSR: 760440*  Vector: 300*  Support: yes 

As you can see, in this case you can leave the DVH11 at its default
setting and simply use the generic kernel.

Next example. One RQDX3 and one UC07 (MSCP), one TQK50 and one UC07
(TMSCP), two DEQNA and four DHV11:

DEVICE> uda,2
DEVICE> tu81,2
DEVICE> qna,2
DEVICE> dhv11,4
DEVICE>  Exit 
Device: UDA    Name: PUA  CSR: 772150   Vector: 154   Support: yes 
Device: TU81   Name: PTA  CSR: 774500   Vector: 260   Support: yes 
Device: QNA    Name: XQA  CSR: 774440   Vector: 120   Support: yes 
Device: QNA    Name: XQB  CSR: 774460   Vector: 300*  Support: yes 
Device: UDA    Name: PUB  CSR: 760334*  Vector: 304*  Support: yes 
Device: TU81   Name: PTB  CSR: 760444*  Vector: 310*  Support: yes 
Device: DHV11  Name: TXA  CSR: 760500*  Vector: 320*  Support: yes 
Device: DHV11  Name: TXB  CSR: 760520*  Vector: 330*  Support: yes 
Device: DHV11  Name: TXC  CSR: 760540*  Vector: 340*  Support: yes 
Device: DHV11  Name: TXD  CSR: 760560*  Vector: 350*  Support: yes 

In this case you _have_ to change the settings of the DHV11s. The
default CSR of 760440 would clash with the second tape controller and
the default Vector of 300 would clash with the second DEQNA.


Gunnar Helliesen   | Bergen IT Consult AS  | NetBSD/VAX on a uVAX II
Systems Consultant | Bergen, Norway        | '86 Jaguar Sovereign 4.2   | | '73 Mercedes 280 (240D)