Subject: Re: Badblock management.
To: Ronny Svedman <ronny@Update.UU.SE>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/17/1998 16:09:09
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Ronny Svedman wrote:

> I have also formatted rd53:s and 54:s that had bad blocks, and got them
> working under netbsd in a MVII. If i have understood the situation
> correctly, the badblock management at this level is handled by the
> intelligent drive interface, rather than the operating system, and that
> the OS only has to deal with blocks that go bad AFTER the last drive
> formatting..
> Am i right or just lucky that i haven't happened to use any of the bad
> blocks yet?
	AFAIK the uVaxII MSCP controllers handle badblocks in hardware -
	its the VS2000 that needs software support (lacking in NetBSD).

	(But I could be wrong :)
