Subject: rzspin-Utility anyone ?
To: None <>
From: Marc Gutschner <Marc.Gutschner@Frankfurt.NetSurf.DE>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/17/1998 20:11:46
Hi !

Since it may take some time for the SCSI-code on the VAXstations to be =
fixed I thought of putting this big and hairy (:-)) RZ55 to good use on =
my HP9000/375. Since the RZ55 won't spin up by it self this seems =
impossible. I remember some mysterious chantings (:-)) about an utility =
called "rzspin" or "rzspinup" that will modify some values in the SCSI =
mode pages to allow the drive to spin-up on power-on. My searches using =
Archie or Altavista came up with just one site that had something like =
that - but that site won't allow anonymous ftp :-(

My question: Does anyon on this list have this little utility and can =
email me a copy ?


PS: It's just embarrasing for my little pool of VAX to depend on a =
PeeCee for MOP-booting... Has anybody managed to get the 'mopd' work on =
HP-UX 10.20 ? Any hints are appreciated :-)