Subject: Badblock management.
To: None <>
From: Erno Palonheimo <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/17/1998 12:19:18

is it really so that there is no bad-block management in NetBSD? I
understood it to be so after reading the documentation. It would be quite
important feature, for example I am able to use only one of my five hard
disks as all the rest of them have just couple of bad blocks, but cannot
be used because the bad blocks cannot be avoided, except as scratch disks.
But, I'd like to have one RD54 for /usr, other for /usr/local, a RD53 for
swap, root and /var and other for /usr/home. Is it possible to implement
this feature in near future, if it isn't there already?

   Erno Palonheimo -x- -x- GSM +358400615281

0. It doesn't matter to you if someone else's computer is faster because
   you know your system could smash theirs flat if it fell over on it.