Subject: Re: The c8's of death...
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Apprich <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/22/1998 21:38:08
	Inasmuch as I might have helped some who were inquiring about the
SCSI-FDD bridge board, I would like to keep this thread relevant to the
subject of cracking the scsi boot code problems, hence the name of the
subject. Netbooting may be fine, but there can be no doubt here that there
is something special about weaning the Vax from the PeeCee as the first
step in liberating myself from the
military-indus\07\07\07\07\07\07\07\07\07\07\07\07Microsoft-Intel complex.
Tsk,Tsk, Vax booting from PC. Any stomachs turning out there? :)