Subject: Re: VAX R4000
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Allison J Parent <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/02/1998 10:28:29
<Perhaps I wasn't clear - it is a VAX R4000-200.  The CPU I believe was on
<of the precursors to the MIPS family (someone may be able to clear this
<one up).

This is unclear and conflicting.  The R4000 seris is MIPS and DOES NOT
run VMS.  They shipped and ran ULTRIX (a unix).  There was a 
DECstation3xxx that was precurser to the decstation4xxx series.

Now the VAX4000-200 is a 5vup VAX with Q-bus and DSSI disks.

Currently only VAX and Alpha runs VMS.  MIPS being risc was unix.  IF it 
is MIPS maybe LINUX or FREEBSD supports it.
