Subject: Re: HP-IB?
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dave Clarke <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/26/1998 08:20:24
while we are on the subject of HPIB, does anyone have any information on the RTI
interface board that goes into the DEC PRO 350/380 ? Its the same board as used to
connect up the console comms with the 8700 VAX etc. I would definately like to find
out what the connections are on the board interface connector. And if someone has
info on the registers on the board as well that would be even better!
Sorry this is way off the Netbsd subject; but then again one could always think
about porting Netbsd for the PRO, can't get much worse than that can it ?
Olaf Seibert wrote:
> Daniel S Kosack <> wrote:
> >> Anyone ever work with the IBV-11 Qbus HP-IB interface? Got docs? Would this
> >> be a difficult board to write NetBSD/vax drivers for?
> >
> > Ahh... and all those HP-IB disks too. Many people "keep" such
> >paper-weights about. Free but heavy storage. :)
> I've got a bunch of them. They're called Commodore 8050, 8250 and
> 8250LP. Store over a whole megabyte on DD floppies... and they work
> nicely with my PETs. Does the MV-3100 have something like a usable
> parallel port (10 bits minimum)? In that case I could port prlink to it,
> to communicate between VAXen and PETs, and then forward over the IEEE
> bus...
> >Dan.
> -Olaf.
> --
> ___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert D787B44DFC896063 4CBB95A5BD1DAA96
> \X/ It's not easy having a good time
Dave Clarke
Ericsson Tel.No. +44 1793 494513
Swindon Design Centre Fax.No. +44 1793 490151
Wanted any and all types of PDP and microVAX hardware,
software,manuals,schematics,etc. for hobby use.