Subject: Censoring the NetBSD list!
To: Brian D Chase <>
From: Rick Copeland <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/24/1998 08:53:20

I agree that once you censor one person at what point do you stop?  At this
point in the game I personally don't know of any "game rules" setup by the
administrators of the list (if there are any) or the server where the list
resides. I personally think however that it would be a good thing to have
some rules regarding the use of the list and some form of administration to
handle problems as they may occur.  At the point that ANY individual causes
contributors to back off from their contributions to the list results in
loss to us all.  I have backed off from saying anything up to this point in
time for these very reasons, however because known contributors are not
responding or have apprehensions about responding because of what some other
person may say or do leads me to believe that something should be done to
control the situation! 

One other aspect of this particular situation bothers me and that is the
individual in question here claims (from his own postings) that he "Will
never use NetBSD", this one addmission clearly goes against the spirit of
the list as I know it (spirit = to help the USERS of NetBSD).

User and believer of NetBSD,

Rick Copeland

At 07:35 AM 3/24/98 -0800, Brian D Chase wrote:
>On Mon, 23 Mar 1998, Rick Copeland wrote:
>> Find out who owns this server and lets complain! Can't the owner procmail
>> him direct!
>Call me a hippy tree loving freek if you will, but I don't much believe in
>mass censorship like this.  I think it should be done on an individual
>basis.  Personally I procmail him into his own folder such that I can
>digest his essays when my mood suits such activities.
>Of course procmail doesn't help those who don't have their account
>or e-mail based on a Unix ISP.
>One way around this would be to find someone nice enough to setup filtered
>e-mail acounts on a Unix server of theirs.  The address you would
>subscribe to the list with would be this special filtered address. Then on
>this filtered e-mail relay machine, the messages which you filtered out
>would get dumped to /dev/null and only the desired messages would get
>Certainly someones already set up something like this out there with all
>the junk e-mail and stuff floating around these days
>Brian "JARAI" Chase | | VAXZilla LIVES!!!