Subject: Re: KA630-CNF
To: J. Buck Caldwell <>
From: Megan <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/16/1998 18:39:50
>Waitaminute - are you saying that you can make a multiple-cpu UVII? I


>happen to have access to another KA630 - of course the questions loom:
>Does NetBSD actually support this? What modifications are nescessary?
>What kind of performance increase are we talking about? Would I just put
>the two CPUs in slots 1 and 2, the two 8meg boards in 3 and 4, and the
>memory interconnect across all four?  I do have a BA123, which (I
>believe) has 4 AB-CD slots... 

I doubt NetBSD supports it, but someone with better info can answer.
Same for performance and modifications (I assume you mean to NetBSD).

As for how to configure it, I don't think what you suggest will work.
I suspect that the memory cables can only connect one CPU with its
memory.  So (in a BA123), I would expect a KA630 in slot 1, MS630 in
slots 2 and 3, cabled together to CPU0.  In slot 4 would be another
KA630, with its KA630CNF set to be Slave #1 (CPU0 is arbiter).  I
don't know if MS630 memory could exist in slots 5 and 6, but if they
can, then the second CPU would be cabled to its memory.  (and so on
for CPU2 and CPU3.  Of course, with 4 CPUs and their memory in a
BA123, you have little (read no) room for a disk interface... :-)

Using the doorbell registers on each one, they would synchronize data
transfer over the Qbus from CPU/memory to CPU/memory.

I'm actually planning on having just the KA630 with its on-board
1mb in a PDP-11 system and see what I can do with it...

					Megan Gentry
					Former RT-11 Developer

| Megan Gentry                   | tcp/ip (work): |
| Unix Support Engineering Group |      or: |
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