Subject: Re: RX33/RXwhatever floppy goes into the RX end of the uV2K hardware
To: Daniel A. Seagraves <>
From: Tim Shoppa <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/16/1998 08:09:24
> What's the actual drive? Can I hang a normal PC type FDD off here?
> I'm getting sick of trying/retrying/inevitably failing with RD disks...
> I've tried 4, and all 4 have failed... I got a RD33 to work from the ROM
> standpoint, but when NetBSD boots, it can't write to the drive for nothing.
> I get all sorts of errors that look like bad sectors, even though I
> formatted it on the 2K fine...
> I have a couple more drives to try...
> Is there any special mod required (BEsides a new format) to get ex-PC drives to
> work in uVAXen?
I highly recommend that you go read THIRD-PARTY-DISKS.DAT, available
by anonymous ftp from FTP.SPC.EDU, and study it carefully. This discusses -
in great detail - using PC-clone hardware on RQDX and VS2000 hardware.
In particular, it explores the issue of drive select jumpers in great detail,
and I suspect this may be your problem.
Another possible problem is that you don't have a disk box that has the
front panel "write protect" and "ready" buttons working. Check that this
switch panel is plugged in properly and is getting power.
Tim. (